- Anorexia - permanent restriction of caloric intake leading to a significant reduction in body weight, in the context of the minimum expected weight for age, sex, developmental stage and physical health.
- Bulimia – poremećaj hranjenja karakteriziran ponavljanim epizodama ubrzane konzumacije velike količine hrane (prejedanje), nakon čega slijede pokušaji da se nadoknadi višak konzumirane hrane (na primjer, pročišćavanjem, postom ili tijelovježbom).
- Bigorexia – obsession with a muscular body to the extent of excessive steroid intake, excessive training, dehydration, physical consequences of body building.
- Orthorexia – nezdrava opsjednutost zdravom hranom.
- Compulsive overeating - excessive food consumption in shorter time intervals, even when the person is not hungry.
- BDD – Body dysmorphic disorder